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      - Our View -


      Let's build a better world together.

      Sustainability at Deck Commerce

      If you spend any time with folks at Deck Commerce, you will likely hear someone use the phrase, “a high tide raises all ships.” When it comes to the commitment of sustainability, we believe that we all play a critical role in building a more sustainable world. 

      At the core of sustainability is the goal for peace and prosperity—both for people and the planet. At Deck Commerce, we align our responsibilities with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as defined by the United Nations.  

      Our Alignment with the United Nation's 17 Sustainable Development Goals

      Goal 3 — Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all ages 

      The global pandemic has been one of the biggest threats to human well-being. By empowering retailers to strengthen their direct-to-consumer channels— we were able to play a role in keeping consumers safe—while helping retailers continue to keep employees working during lockdowns. (See how) 

      Additionally, we provide top-tier healthcare programs to our employees and offer flex schedules to empower employees to truly maintain a healthy work-life balance, and put their mental, physical, and family’s health first.  

      Goal 4 Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all 

      We proudly support a variety of organizations that focus on providing quality education to children and youth in our community. Two organization that we support, Teens Exploring Technology and Black Girls Code, are the boots on the ground education programs that empower future generations. 

      Additionally, to foster continuing education and career growth, we provide every employee with a recurring annual stipend for professional development.

      Goal 5 — Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls 

      We believe that women provide unique value and perspective to the workplace. Internally at Deck Commerce, women comprise 50% of director-level positions and 25% of the executive-level leaders.

      Additionally, we proudly support Black Girls Code to invest in young women of color interested in pursuing careers in technology. 

      Goal 8 — Promote sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all 

      As a key player in the ecommerce space, we are proud that the work that we do alongside our customers drives economic growth— through job creation and making goods available to broader populations and people groups.  

      Goal 9 — Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation 

      Innovation and lean principles are woven into the heart of our work at Deck Commerce. We provide critical technology and system infrastructure to our customers that fuel the three core principles of a Lean ecommerce strategy: 

      • The ability to respond to demand. 
      • The ability to deliver at the promised date and time. 
      • The ability to maintain just enough stock while keeping expenses at a minimum. 

      Brands using Deck Commerce OMS produce less “waste” across all order management processes which in turn drives overall business growth and boosts revenue by an average of 5.2% YoY. 

      Goal 11 — Make cities inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable 

      We provide all employees with hybrid or fully-remote work opportunities, promoting less emissions from unnecessary commuting. 

      Goal 12 — Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns 

      By leveraging our order management system, our customers can reduce waste and errors in order fulfillment that drain resource efficiency in both production and consumption. 

      For example: 

      • Less order errors = less returns and reshipments 
      • Order aggregation across all channels creates process efficiencies and economies of scale in warehouse and fulfillment facilities 
      • Distributed order management reduces overall carbon footprint by ensuring orders are fulfilled by the closest node, therefore limiting unnecessary transit and CO2 emissions 
      • Omnichannel commerce empowers consumers to purchase products with less hassle and can reduce significant transit “legs” within the supply chain 


      At Deck Commerce, we are committed to doing our part to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all.