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      Deck Commerce Launches All-Encompassing Order Management App for Shopify Merchants

      Shopify retailers can extend their superior customer experience beyond their storefront by automating inventory, transactions, fulfillment routing, and servicing flows with new OMS app.  

      August 16, 2021

      St. Louis, MO:

      Deck Commerce announced the launch of their Shopify app, an all-encompassing distributed order management integration that enables brands to process and service orders more efficiently – without patching several different apps together.  The prebuilt integration enables retailers to automate flows for omnichannel, preorders, backorders, drop shipping, returns, and other complex scenarios to power the customer experience without manual processes or draining technology resources. 

      As Shopify merchants continue to see increased volume on their storefronts and other channels, swapping out groups of apps or dated technology for a holistic OMS is seen as the most profitable option, especially for those processing over 100k+ annual orders.  Retailers that want to get new technology live quickly enjoy a short implementation timeline and can get Deck Commerce Order Management live in just weeks.  

      Shopify retailers are especially excited about the app’s customer-first features that allow them to: 

      • Automate fulfillment logic for drop shipping, partial shipments, fill or kill, location-specific capacity limits, quickest to customer, and several other scenarios 
      • Execute a seamless omnichannel experience including buy, fulfill, and return anywhere workflows, accurate inventory visibility across multiple channels, and more 
      • Accept and automatically process preorders and backorders
      • Cancel at the line-item level 
      • Quickly help customers with an intuitive, easy-to-learn customer service portal 

      “The app streamlines processes throughout the entire order lifecycle, so retailers can focus on customer experience instead of constantly implementing and managing new technology,” said Founder and CEO of Deck Commerce, Chris Deck.  “We’re excited to bring our solution to the customer-obsessed Shopify market.” 

      To see all of the app’s features, visit the Shopify App Store or get a live demo from the OMS specialists at Deck Commerce. 

      About Deck Commerce 

      Deck Commerce is the leading order management system (OMS) for retailers like New Balance, NETGEAR, and Build-A-Bear. The highly flexible, feature-rich platform automates inventory, transactions, fulfillment, and return workflows – giving retailers the power and efficiency to grow globally and across channels. Deck Commerce OMS enables retailers to curate memorable experiences that turn every customer into their best customer.  To learn more visit

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